Moving Home Made Easier
Moving home can seem like a daunting and expensive process. At SC Mortgage Consultants our service is designed to save you time and money, as well as finding you the right mortgage.
We will also make sure it is completed on time, making the whole process a lot less stressful for you. As professional mortgage advisors, we will provide home buyers with the advice that they need to choose a mortgage that’s right for them. We will work with you to secure the right mortgage that fits your exact needs.
How do we make sure that you end up with the most suitable mortgage?
Well, we start by getting to know you! We like to build lasting relationships with all of our clients. We will ask you questions about your income, the property you are looking to buy and any other factors that could influence the choice a lender makes.
It is really important that you are honest with us, as this will ensure that we only select mortgages that are suitable for you. As you are already a homeowner, lenders will often look upon you more favourably.